Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman presides over as Chief Guest on the completion of 5 years of the GST
CBIC honours taxpayers contributing to the GST success story
32 officers awarded with commendation certificate on 5th of GST Day
New Delhi, July 1, 2022 : The Government of India celebrated the 5th GST Day today with the vision GST@5 साधन, देश के सर्वांगीण विकास का. Union Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman presided over as the Chief Guest of the event and Minister of State for Finance, Shri Pankaj Chaudhary was the Guest of Honour. Senior officials from Ministry of Finance, Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs and Central Board of Direct Taxes were also present.

Speaking on the occasion, Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman said that GST stood the test of every possible challenge in these five years may it be technological or due to pandemic. The Finance Minister was appreciative of the officers that they were receptive to continuous suggestions made by trade regarding possible changes needed in the automation. Smt. Sitharaman thanked the five representatives from Trade for making presentations on five topics relating to the implementation of GST and how timely amendments have been to meet the need of the hour. The Finance Minister conveyed appreciation for CBIC officers who since 2017 have been working hard to have smooth implementation of GST. She noted that the GST Collections are buoyant and consistent which is a result of efforts of all officers. Smt. Sitharaman paid homage to all those who lost life during pandemic. On the occasion, the Finance Minister also took lead to mention that the gross GST Collections has been Rs.1.44 lakh crore for June, 2022 which is 56% more than the same month of the previous year.

Minister of State for Finance, Shri Pankaj Chaudhary highlighted the salient features of GST and in particular removal of multiple taxes and implement the concept of One Nation One Tax. MoS was appreciative of the five presentations made by representatives highlighting the salient features of GST and achievements made in these five years.

Revenue Secretary Sh. Tarun Bajaj complimented the five presenters from Trade who made presentations on GST. He congratulated the awardees for receiving commendation certificate on GST Day for exemplary service. He noted that CBIC is responsive of suggestions made by trade and would work on it to provide solutions.

Chairman CBIC, Shri Vivek Johri said that all suggestions made by trade representatives in their presentations have been duly noted. Chairman highlighted that GST Council has been making changes as and when required. He highlighted that NACIN has been conducting one of the biggest training programmes since implementation of GST for both Central and State Government officers. Indian GST model has been one of the most successful as compared to other federal structures anywhere in the world. CBIC would enhance usage of Artificial Intelligence and better data analysis in times to come.

Member GST Sh. D P Nagendra Kumar in his welcome address said that both Central and State GST regimes have been continuously working for better tax administration and bringing about changes for betterment of taxpayers.

The occasion also saw presentations by thematic groups from trade and industry who shared their experience with GST for the past 5 years on its 5 edifices.
The first presentation was made by team of trade representatives from Mumbai. Ms. Sulajja Firodia Motwani, CEO, Kinetic Green Energy & Power Solutions Limited effectively made presentation on Impact of GST on Interstate Trade. She highlighted that GST been a revolution towards much improved inter-state trade.

The second presentation was made by Mr. Shrinivas Garimella, Chairman of Industrial Development Committee, FTACCI- Hyderabad and presented on Impact of GST on MSME sectors. He said that due to GST the MSMEs are the biggest beneficiaries of online business processes.

The third presentation was made by Ms. Sonam Kasera, CEO, Kamrup Tea Industry and Board Member, FIEO on Impact of GST on Exports. She said that biggest beneficiary has been trade due to increased profitability.

The fourth presentation was given by Sh. DD Goyal, Member CII Tax Committee & Executive Advisor Maruti Suzuki on simplification of procedures. He said that simplification of procedures related to Registration, Seamless ITC, Payment of Tax, Filing of Returns and refunds has enhanced Ease of Doing Business.

Fifth presentation was given by Sh. Pramod Jain, Head of Taxation, Flipkart on Digitalization and Formalization under GST. He highlighted that GSTN is a one stop platform for all GST compliances and e-invoice proved to be a game changer.

A Film on GST – एक कर, एक बाजार@5 was played at the event showcasing the efforts made in past 5 years to streamline indirect taxation regime and reduce compliance burden.

A booklet GST@5 – साधन देश के सर्वांगीण विकास का compiled by the Directorate General of Taxpayer Services, CBIC elucidating the various facets of GST reforms and its benefits like Digitalization, simplification, reduction in tax evasion etc. over the past 5 years was released by Hon’ble Finance Minister.

On the occasion of the 5th GST day, CBIC, Ministry of Finance, Government of India also recognized the contribution of all the compliant taxpayers to nation building. 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) compliant taxpayers have been identified representing all Industry sectors of the economy. The MSME sector, which is the growth engine of the Economy and the largest contributor to job creation find representation with more than 72% from Micro (6%), Small (51%) and Medium (16%) enterprises. has also been suitably represented in the category of awardees.
Five such taxpayers were felicitated by the Finance Minister at the event.

These taxpayers have demonstrated compliance in prompt filing of GST Returns and payment of their GST liabilities during the financial year 2021-22. Along with significantly improved collection of GST revenue, there has been clear improvement in the compliance behaviour, which has been a result of various measures taken by the Indirect Tax administration to nudge taxpayers to file their returns timely, making compliance easier and smoother; strict enforcement action against errant taxpayers identified by data analytics and artificial intelligence.
The States/UTs wise distribution of selected taxpayers is given as Annexure-A.
On the occasion, commendation certificates were also presented by Hon’ble Finance Minister to 32 officers who have contributed to the successful implementation of the GST by their continued devotion and commitment to duty. List is enclosed as Annexure-B.

Ms. Mallika Arya, Principal Chief Commissioner, CGST Delhi Zone delivered the vote of thanks and acknowledged the partnership with taxpayers and efforts of everyone in making GST@5 a successful event.