Powering India with the Sun


New Delhi, November 3, 2023 : On the last day of The Energy Transition Dialogues conference held in New Delhi, Ms Teenah Jutton, Parliamentary Private Secretary, from Republic of Mauritius stated :

Chair, Fellow Delegates, Ladies and Gentleman

Namaskar! Jay Shri Ram! 

First, allow me to thank ORF for inviting me to participate on this inspiring platform and to be part of its panel. 

Before I delve in the theme at hand, I would wish to congratulate Bharat for its outstanding organisation of the 18th G20 Summit and the unprecedented consensual success of the New Delhi Declaration under the magical chair of Shri Narendra Modi ji. 

The Declaration was indeed a defining moment in history and will affect the future of the people and our planet. On 9th and 10 September world leaders, including my Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, have profoundly lived in real time and have interiorised the full ethos of  “VasudhaivaKutumbakam” , the motto of the 2023 G20.

From the Kyoto Protocol to Doha to COP, developed nations have failed to deliver on their promises on climate financing. Today SIDS like Mauritius, wrestle with coastal erosion, marine pollution etc and face a heightened sense of urgency for mitigating climate change impacts and also while preparing for the upcoming COP,I urge on multilateral strategic alliances, International bodies to consider the multi-index vulnerability index approved by the UN for Financing.


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